Breaching // Photographic Dance Series // Photographer: Blake Lavia // Dancer: Tzintzun Aguilar Izzo // Location: Quaboag Nipmuc Territory

Breaching (2019) is part of a collection of pictures taken in the woods of North East Turtle Island (North America). The series explores the relationship between humans and their surrounding environment, in the face of a global mass extinction. I attempt to breach the destructive void that the human hand as left, alluding to a society completely detached from their ecosystems.
The hand reaches into a green, blurry space. It seems suspended, almost as if it didn't belong to a body. In this way the arm becomes a separate entity, fishing to find the gap between what's lost and what remains.Suspended in midair, an it reaches into the space between what's there and what the camera lens can't see. A wing without feathers, a golden limb crossed by red flames, an abstraction between what's human and what's a human construction.
Unless otherwise noted, the content has been created by Blake Lavia and Tzintzun Aguilar-Izzo.