For Kia, growing potatoes is a continual exploration. The earth changes, the weather shifts, pollinators buzz to their own schedule, and the "weeds" can sometimes get overly opinionated. Despite these added variables, or perhaps because of them, Kia is constantly learning and shifting her growing practices. It is a process that involves a lot of listening to her collaborators (weeds, soil, bugs) guidance.
Kia describes how she grows potatoes.

Bittersweet Farm have always championed biodiversity. From the pollinators that keep their crops flourishing, the animals that flutter and crawl through their fields, and the food varieties they offer to their community, the Bennett's view their agricultural endeavor as an act of environmental stewardship.
Learn how biodiversity is a fundamental part of Milkweed Tussock Tubers.
Illustrations: TZINTZUN